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Finally, a place you can trust to tell you like it is.......

The Iraqi Dinar 'Investment' a TOTAL Scam??

Whether you already bought Iraqi Dinar, plan on purchasing more or are deciding if the dinar is a good investment for you and your family ... this is the most important letter you will ever read.

Blanche Bonet here from site you're on right now.
If you feel confused about what is REALLY going on with the dinar...If ever you feel foolish and embarrassed for 'believing' the Iraqi dinar will go up in value....If you feel like you are on an emotional roller coaster because this investment has so many ups and downs...
This letter is for you.
Dinar Guru is the #1 most reliable and trusted authority for all things Iraqi Dinar. We have grown to have 2 newsletters, multiple special reports, members only blog, and a community of over 70,000 of the most savvy and informed members and more.
I'm going to totally EXPOSE this site and the perceptions and misconceptions that are touted about this investment. You'll discover the secrets.

After reading this, you are going to have a whole new perspective... You will feel so much better and secure in your decisions (whatever those decisions may be) and your family and friends will have a new found respect for you when you talk about this investment. Can You Counterfeit Casino Vouchers
You won't feel silly and confused anymore.
When I first got involved in this investment, I thought it was simple.
I was convinced the Dinar was a sure had to go up in value...period.
I was so naive back then.
You see back then there was NO Dinar Guru site...there was NO Dinar Guru archive...there was NO Dinar Guru community and member emails...Nope, there was just a couple people we relied on to bring us the latest news and intel.
Compared to today, back then was like the dark ages!
Over two years ago now, I decided it was up to me to start piecing the true story of this investment together. I Discovered this is so MUCH more complex than a sure thing bet.
There are sooo many levels and moving parts to this investment...
You've got Iraq...
Within Iraq, you've got 5 different factions who nearly hate each other....BATTLING for power.
You've got the United States (we hold the purse strings and a HUGE chunk of Iraq's money)
You've got Kuwait (they need to be totally compensated for being invaded in the 90's)
You've got China's influence.
You've got International banks.
You've go the UN (they have Iraq by the 'privates'--no nice way to put it-- with CH 7 sanctions)

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You've got the WTO and all their demands.

You've got the IMF and all their requirements.

And guess what?
They each have an agenda...
On top of all that you have us little people (who are probably not supposed to know nearly as much as we do! :)
Figuring this thing out is really like a game of Clue...'who done it?' 'who's in control?' , 'What needs to be done?' , ' Is it even real? '
There are some big time myths floating around out there on the internet and a lot of misinformation.
I'm going to set the record straight once and for all.
Before I get into all that I want to address one of the biggest questions in the back of everyone's mind...maybe yours too.
Is the Iraqi Dinar a scam?
The quick answer is...I don't think it is, BUT I really don't know. I don't think anyone REALLY knows for sure?
I want to know the answer to this as much as anyone...maybe more.
I have yet to see any proof that it's a scam.
I genuinely ask as many of the the scam touters as I can...'why do you think that? Do you have documents? Support? Proof?'
Like I said...I want to know.
I have yet to get anything significant. (what I do get, I send to the Dinar Guru members...a mainstream article or news video here and there--as of yet nothing you'd consider proof)
I even ask Dinar Guru members who report their bank person said it was a scam if the bank would put it in bank has done it yet.
So far, the scam reports have been speculative, hearsay and rumor.
But here's the thing.
We know this investment is a highly risky, the longest of long shots speculative investment...some say it is so speculative it can hardly be called an investment.
This is the way I look at it...If I, knowing the risks--that its highly likely I'll lose all the money I can it be a scam?
That would be like saying buying stock in a company that loses value is a scam...
As far as I know Iraqi Dinar is a real currency. Iraqis buy stuff with it everyday. (we can't use it because its not international )
It boils down to this...investing is a VERY personal thing...Everyone's situation is different and unique. If you have no stomach for loosing all that you invest, you need to carefully decide if this is for research...Dinar Guru is a great place to start...a wealth of information.
That's what this site is ALL about...personal empowerment with information and history. On top of that you have the entire internet at your disposal.
Like I said earlier, when I originally got into this...there was NO Dinar Dinar Guru Dinar Guru collection of facts, documents and Dinar Guru was the wild wild west.
We were TOTALLY lost.
Take advantage of the opportunity Dinar Guru gives you.
One of the reasons Dinar Guru exists is to give YOU the power to shed some light on what's going piece this complex puzzle together piece by piece.
I've (my son too and even my husband as computer tech support!) have tried to do our best...If I must say so myself, we've done a pretty good job over the past years! :)
Oh, I will say this, there was (and maybe still is going on) a real Dinar Scam...people were selling the OLD Iraqi Dinar or counterfeit dinar...this was/is a scam for sure. If you do buy, do your due diligence and buy from a reputable source.
Without further ado let's get to the Biggest myths out there concerning the Dinar and Dinar Guru...
I know you are curious to get REAL answers.
Big Myth #1: The RV is happening TODAY, Tomorrow or within hours.
These predictions have been around since the beginning and have yet to come true. :(

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With that said, the situation in Iraq has reached the point where it might finally have a chance of being right.
Let me explain.
The CBI has stated on the record they WILL make a change in the exchange rate, raise the zero's, etc (in the coming days, soon, in 2013, early next year).
Is it the change we're looking for?
I don't know. BUT (and this is an exciting BUT !)
Things appear to have reached the point where Iraq can settle all outstanding issues quickly and boom It's done.
Big Myth #2:The Dinar is a get rich quick scheme.
Like I said before, I've been in this investment for a LONG LONG time now. Some in the Dinar Guru community have been in even longer than me...over 8 years. Wow!
If we know anything about Iraq, we know there's nothing quick about it.
We're watching a fledgling nation put the pieces of their country together...their currency is just ONE of those pieces.
It takes time.
Again, with that said, I have NEVER seen so much activity surrounding the CBI, the Iraqi Dinar and investing in Iraq.
The CBI hinted more than once they are going to make some kind of change to the exchange rate very soon.

Big Myth #3: The dinar is guaranteed to raise in value.
This is the one myth I wish was true.
As you know, the Iraqi Dinar RV is the longest of long shots...a very speculative and risky investment at best.I'm NO financial adviser and you should not listen to a thing I say, but this really isn't a bet the farm kind of investment. (unless you don't want the farm, don't need the farm, and don't want anything to do with the farm anymore ever again. :)

It's more of a I've got extra money I can live without...forever...kind of investments.
A thousand things could go wrong...And that is EXACTLY why the gurus say there is so much upside potential.

As a GENERAL rule...As RISK goes down...UPSIDE goes down.
As RISK goes up...UPSIDE goes up.
Iraq's got a TON of Risk so it has a ton of potential.
Make sense?

As they say, the sure thing boat never gets very far offshore! :)

Big Myth #4: You need special Bank 800# and Special Bank Appointment to exchange your dinar
Can you counterfeit casino vouchers for realSome (and I STRESS...SOME) gurus feel there will be a special 800# hotline you'll need to call to set an appointment to exchange your dinar at a bank.

Other gurus feel the whole 800# thing is silly...that it's impossible to implement something like a special 800 number since MOST dinar holders don't know anything about it.

Regardless...the 800# deal is NOT bank least not yet. None of the INDEPENDENT banks have hinted at a change in their policies or procedures. Until then, sit tight.

Banks deal with currency. That's their job. Right now most banks do not deal with the dinar though (several years ago they did...they sold a ton of it). If and when that changes it's a currency like any other.

Here's the thing to put your mind at ease...

When something dramatic happens with the rate of the dinar....good or bad...Dinar Guru members are some of the first to know about it. So, if it comes to be true calling a special 800# will benefit the community...I'll let you know. If it's turns out calling an 800# causes you to lose a few percentages of your money...I'll let you know this too! Either way good or bad you'll know.

You're part of a community of over 70,000 of the most savvy dinar holders scattered across the world...what we learn as good and bad will be shared with you...

If you're a Dinar ole timer like me you've heard a slew of
bank speculation intel from the gurus over the years...

Here are just a few of the BIGGER updates you've heard about banks:
  • Special back screens that show the RV'ed Dinar (2011)
  • Blinking amber, red and green lights on bank screens...when they turn green the new rate is live (2011)
  • Rate flashing...and when it stops you have an RV! (2011)
  • Rate floating upward on bank screens...when it stops, that's the rate and RV! (2012)
  • US Service perssonel in Iraq exchanged and given vouchers (2012)
  • Tier I, II and III for exchange...Tier I and II (politicians, elite and whales) have exchanged...Tier III (the little guys) are NEXT! (2012)
  • Special bank 800# you need to call to set exchange (2013)
  • Call centers ready to take calls for exchange appointments (2013)

Some of this may be accurate, partly accurate or completely off base, we don't know...what we do know is, the banks are just one piece of the puzzle. When they're ready it does not necessarily mean all the other pieces are.
Big Myth #5: The gurus belong to / work for / are associated with Dinar Guru

The Gurus do not belong to, work for or are associated with Dinar Guru...the gurus are spread through out the internet. Many have their own sites.
Here's a true story..
When we first started Dinar Guru one of the biggest gurus around at the time tried to convince everyone NOT to come to my site (Why? I don't know...I'm still trying to figure this one out)...He (and even his partner) went so far as to concoct crazy stories meant to discredit me and the site...he didn't realize I can become a tough stubborn grandma who will NOT be pushed aside and hushed by a bully. :)

You've got to hear EVERYTHING about this investment...not just what 'some' would have you hear.

He got the message, left us alone and I hear he's terrorizing others now. :(
Dinar Guru is about the everyday developments but more importantly it's about tracking the history of the investment so everyone can go back and learn from history -- compare the past to present and whatnot. This is the Dinar Guru Archive.
Unlike some of the other dinar sites that have sprung up after us ( Imitation is the greatest form of flattery right? :) we show you the total picture...
Also, unlike the other dinar sites, we do not have a chat-room site pumping their other know the ones that constantly reference one site but almost NEVER mention any others...nope we don't have a sneaky agenda like this.
Dinar Guru is an archive that brings all guru updates to one spot so you can compare and contrast what's being said...what when and why, Can You Counterfeit Casino Vouchersso you get the complete picture of what's going on.
Big Myth #6: We make money from the site.
Well actually this myth is true. :)
We're proud of the effort we put into supporting the Dinar Guru community and the THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of savvy investors we've helped along the way.
You know my story...Hurricane Katrina huffed and puffed and filled my house with several feet of water, totally destroyed my husband's business and sent our local economy to a screeching halt ...
This was (and still is) 1,000 times beyond a Recession...for months there was no stores to buy food from even if we had money to buy it. (WE'RE SOOOOOO GRATEFUL TO ALL WHO HELPED US AND THE ENTIRE GULF COAST WITH FOOD WATER AND POSITIVE THOUGHTS...without help from compassionate individual like you, we would NEVER have made it....and that a FACT.)
We still walk on concrete floors (update: Oct. 2013 we finally put floors down--well mostly! :) here at the Bonet house; most rooms don't have doors or frames and our lawn furniture functions as our living room set... and I have yet to be able to have the kids over for Christmas or Thanksgiving (2013 First thanksgiving in the house since 2004!!) but we're slowly putting our home back together again.
We have a roof over our heads and internet! :) and I'm TOTALLY grateful for that.
We probably spend more time and effort on this site than most spend on full time jobs.

My son has a day job and does a wonderful job on the site too! :)
It's a labor of love really. And you get the benefits of system we put together and maintain! :)
I'm from a generation that really believes in the good ole U.S of A where providing a good service is cherished and is happily rewarded and supported for a job well done... How can you provide VALUABLE services with nothing in return. (doctors can't, Surgeons can't, teachers can't). THIS is the America you probably believe in too.

On that note, we give a TON away for free...I love to do it...It's our way of giving back to the community...I'm sure you'd do the same thing for me. (and many HAVE!!!!)
If you value what America STILL stands for and are excited to have opportunities like this one...this is the perfect place and community for you! No one knows if the dinar will go like we want it to...but you are among friends who are working everyday to pull the pieces together trying to figure it out.
Big Myth #7: The gurus are ALWAYS wrong even though they have all kinds of inside info.
I know you've seen the weatherperson with the multimillion dollar Super Doppler 8000 or the stock analyst guys on the money station who have DETAILED quarterly reports and CEO access to EVERY company on the stock exchange or the Las Vegas sports bookies who have an unimaginable amount of team and player stats and casino money supporting them...
Do they always get it 100% right on?
Of course not.
They all speculate.
BUT....Do they still bring valuable info even if their conclusions are off base?
Yes, of course.
I've come to learn no single guru has the complete picture of what's happening out there.

One may focus on the news, another follows banks, another talks to US government officials, yet another's cousin is in Iraqi Parliament etc etc etc...
Looking at it this way it's easy to see...individually a guru can't paint the complete picture.
When you take the gurus as a WHOLE, you get a more complete picture of whats really happening.
This is what I try to give you here at Dinar Guru.
This is investment basics...weigh all that is reported, so you can make the best decision for you.
Turn on CNBC (you know the money station) and you'll see one analyst recommend BUY for a particular stock and provide great fantastic reasons why it's a good investment...
3 seconds later a different analyst recommends SELL and presents equally compelling reasons (sometimes for the exact reasons the other guy said to buy) to dump your shares...
A total contradiction.
Are these guys dumb? Should they not report at all since they don't agree?
Of course not, they are just presenting based on the info they have and what they believe...
Its your job as an investor to weigh all the information and decide for yourself whats best for you and your family based on the information presented.
Having MULTIPLE perspective is a good thing.
Big Myth #8: Certain guru's should be banned from the site because they are wrong all the time
I've been around a LONG time. I've seen and heard a lot in this investment.
If I've learned anything...I've learned this.
Everything is a clue of some kind or another in this investment.
The conclusions the gurus draw may be wrong, but the reasons BEHIND those conclusions may be valuable to you.
Or even the guru's track record may hold a clue.
Thinking like this is an advanced way of looking at this and is what separates the SAVVY Dinar Guru community from the rest.
Remember, Dinar Guru is a Archive of posts dating back to over a year.
Thousands of Dinar investors use the Archive everyday to compare posts from 3, 6 or even 12 months ago with whats being reported today.
Powerful stuff indeed.
It's not surprising the Dinar Guru community is the most savvy and grounded group around.
Besides this, there are new people entering this investment all the time. They don't have your experience and knowledge about the gurus or what's been said before...they need a complete track record and history to get caught up to speed in the least amount of time possible.
Savvy Dinar Investor Tip #1: Savvy investors look beyond the individual post and place it within the context of all posts to see the bigger picture as a whole.
Big Myth #9: Newshound gurus are NOT credible -/- Intel gurus are NOT credible
Let me dispel of this myth once and for all.
Newshound gurus report what's in the news, what's documented in official public meetings and what's reported in public domain official documents...
They base their conclusions on public record 'facts'. Newshound gurus feel this is the most reliable way to go...
Critics feel the media and official government documents are filled with unreliable lies to prevent the public from knowing what's really going on.
Intel gurus share what their contacts are reporting to them...generally these are 'Big Fish' contacts in high up organizations (GOI, CBI, UST, Banks, FBI, UN, BIS, Parliament, Congress etc).
Intel Gurus feel they are getting real-time accurate reports straight from the horses mouth, totally unfiltered and without agenda...
Critics feel these sources are purposely fed misinformation to keep us from knowing whats really going on...that they are nothing more than unreliable rumors.
Here's the thing...
You don't have to pick one philosophy over the other...
In fact it's best if you don't.
When you take in information from ALL SIDES and weigh what one guru says against what another guru says you get a MUCH clearer picture of what's going on.
Why choose a side when you don't have to? EVERY post brings some sort of value.
It all boils down to this.
What we're ultimately looking for is CONSENSUS across the board. When ALL the gurus from different groups line up and report the SAME thing or something very similar, its time to REALLY pay attention!
Above and beyond the gurus reports, If you are a Dinar Guru member you're part of a community of over 70,000 dinar investors scattered around the world...In all walks of life.
You're part of an ARMY of eyes and ears who confirm or debunk what's being reported by the gurus within days and most times hours! This is an information POWER HOUSE and Dinar Guru gets you this 'underground' information fast...
Gurus Report what they are hearing or reading...and the Dinar Guru Army reports if it's credible or not!

Newshound, Intel and the Dinar Guru community is a winning combination.

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Can You Counterfeit Casino VouchersThere you have it...Dinar Guru exposed.
To be part of this great community...simply enter your name and email address in the blue box below. You'll get reports, videos and other documents sent right to you. You'll also be on the Dinar Guru RV Alert list so you don't miss ANY exciting breaking news...
Go ahead and enter your information below now...I'll send you the Guru Rate Prediction Cheat Sheet that explains some of the common Rate predictions and what you're looking for on forex...

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©Copyright 2012, Dinar Guru, All Rights Reserved. All emails and correspondence sent to Dinar Guru become the exclusive property of Dinar Guru. By reading this, you agree to all of the following: You understand this to be an expression of opinions and entertainment and not professional advice. You are solely responsible for the use of any content and hold Dinar Guru and all members and affiliates harmless in any event or claim.